Silvasta 100mg

from NZ$17.99

For online fulfillment of your order, please get your doctor to send the e-prescription to

To get this as a pharmacist only supply (without prescription), please come see us in-store.

Prescription orders will only be dispatched once we received your prescription from your doctor. Alternatively, send us your paper prescription here and have your script delivered to our pharmacy address at 1248 Dominion Road, Mount Roskill 1041, Auckland.

*For paper prescription, orders will only be dispatched once we have received your original paper prescription.

The pharmacist has the right to decline supplying the medication based on their professional and legal obligations.

Pack Size:
Script sent & ready to check out now

Consult your doctor to determine if this medication is suitable for you. It is important to carefully read the instructions provided on the label and use the medication as directed. If symptoms continue, seek advice from a healthcare professional. Please be aware that medications have potential risks and benefits, and incorrect use can be harmful.